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Brynmawr Foundation School

  • ParentPay
  • HWB
  • Class Charts
  • School Cloud
  • Mrs D Preece
    Wellbeing Manager


    Here at Brynmawr Foundation School, the wellbeing and safeguarding of our pupils is of the utmost importance and at the forefront of our provision throughout the school. Everyone working with pupils at our school treats our learner’s welfare as paramount. A healthy and happy pupil is a pupil able to concentrate on their learning and able to apply themselves, to aspire and to achieve.

    Brynmawr Foundation School values every individual as having equal worth and has a culture and ethos where young people are included and heard. We promote the welfare of pupils by ensuring we create and maintain a safe learning environment.

    We have a dedicated wellbeing hub where our Wellbeing Manager - Mrs Preece is available to welcome pupils whenever they need her and from here referrals can be made to the school counsellors, the Inspire youth service, ELSA, the school nurse and many external agencies that can provide your child with any support they may need for a wide variety of issues.

    Amongst our pupils we are very fortunate to have two wellbeing mentors within each year group so that should your child not feel able to approach a staff member, they can speak to a wellbeing mentor who will facilitate this. When we are in school, they can be identified by their blue ‘mentor’ badges.

    The wellbeing element of class charts is an excellent resource to enable both pupils and parents to bring any concerns to our attention and where, if a sad or very sad face submission is entered then someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

    We have initiated peer support groups at the school for LGBQT+ and bereavement with more to follow. Our comprehensive PSE programme creates informed pupils with an awareness of health and wellbeing issues that enables them to make informed choices and to support themselves and others.