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Brynmawr Foundation School

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  • Nelly - The Dog Mentor


    We are pleased to announce that we have introduced our own school dog and have joined 'The Dog Mentor Programme'.  The Dog Mentor programme has built upon the benefits of the human-animal bond by providing children positive experiences with dogs that can help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially.


    Over the last nine years The Dog Mentor programme has been proven to have a positive impact on children in all areas including self-esteem, behaviour, peer relationships and better engagement skills. These improvements then result in improved academic achievement.


    Assistant Headteacher, Ms J Griffiths, brings Nelly into school where Nelly works with Ms D Preece in the wellbeing room. The Dog Mentor Programme brings a positive influence into the school environment as a whole and we look forward to the impact The Dog Mentor programme will have on our children. Full training has been, and will continue to be given, to both Nelly and our staff that will work with Nelly in order to ensure that the welfare of everyone involved is maintained as a top priority.


    Please feel free to visit The Dog Mentor’s website and Facebook page for more details and to see some of the schools that have introduced their dogs into school:



    I hope that you share our excitement, please feel free to contact the school with any questions you may have.