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Brynmawr Foundation School

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  • Relationships and Sexuality Education

    Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) is an innovative part of the new Curriculum for Wales. All learning provided under RSE will be appropriate to the age and developmental stage of the learner. Every year group will be engaged differently, and only ever in ways suitable for their age and understanding. Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) will play an important role for the safeguarding and protection of all learners in Wales.


    Parents are encouraged to read the New Relationships and Sexuality Education Code as published by the Welsh Government which outlines what your child will be learning about and when. 


    RSE Code WG


    This RSE Code sits within the development of the new curriculum. A guide to the new curriculum has been designed for parents and carers and can be found  at the link below.


    CfW Parent Carer Guide