Department of Mathematics
Key Stage 3 - Years 7 & 8
At KS3, pupils are grouped by ability. Years 7 and 8 follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. This scheme encourages the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of topics to develop conceptual understanding. Pupils are encouraged to discuss their workings which helps us identify any misconceptions. Problem solving and Reasoning questions are fully integrated into the scheme of work. Pupils study a course that develops their skills in Number, Algebra, Shape and Data, as well as applying these to real-life situations. This ensures that pupils are prepared for both the National Numeracy and Reasoning tests, they sit each year.
Pupils start preparation for GCSE Maths in Year 9; giving them as much time as possible to develop the skills they will need to be successful.
Key Stage 4 - Years 9, 10 & 11
Mathematics is taught to all pupils in years 10 and 11. All pupils have the opportunity to achieve two Mathematics GCSE Qualifications – GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy. Pupils have already started working towards their Maths GCSE's in Year 9 and will sit both Mathematics exams during Year 11. GCSE Numeracy will be sat in November and GCSE Mathematics will be sat in the Summer.
GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy will assess the Mathematics that learners will need in their everyday lives, in the world of work, and in other general curriculum areas. This GCSE allows pupils to develop their Mathematical skills and link to more real life situations and every day skills.
GCSE Mathematics will extend to aspects of Mathematics needed for progression to scientific, technical or further mathematical study. The exam papers and content are more abstract when comparing them to the GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy qualification.
We offer a weekly drop-in seesion during the school day for those pupils who just need a bit of a boost with their Maths.
There are three tiers of entry for both GCSE Mathematics Qualifications.
- Higher Tier (Grades A* - C)
- Intermediate Tier (Grades B - E)
- Foundation Tier (Grades D - G)
* Learners can sit the different qualifications at different tiers.
Pupils will sit 2 exam papers for each qualification. Each consisting of a calculator and a non-calculator paper, each paper is worth 50% of each qualification.