Grant Information
Pupil Deprivation Grant
School Overview
Detail |
Data |
School name |
Brynmawr Foundation School |
Number of pupils in school |
585 |
Proportion (%) of PDG eligible pupils |
24% |
Date this statement was published |
13/11/23 |
Statement authorised by |
Gerard McNamara |
PDG Lead |
Jane Griffiths |
Governor Lead |
John Hill |
Funding Overview
Detail |
Amount |
PDG funding allocation this academic year. |
£189,750 |
Total budget for this academic year |
£189,762 |
Strategy Plan
We want all Brynmawr Foundation School Pupils to make progress irrespective of their background or financial need. We want to ensure funding can be allocated appropriately to ensure all pupils have equal opportunity when accessing learning allowing them to fulfil their potential.
Intended Outcomes
Intended outcome |
Success criteria |
Improved school attendance |
Attendance percentage increases |
Improve well-being |
Provide pupils with strategies to help them cope with different emotions |
Improve teaching and learning |
Supported/challenged in lessons to ensure they reach their full potential |
Equitable model |
Give more support, guidance and challenge to our disadvantaged pupils |
Proportional representation for disadvantaged pupils |
Disadvantaged learners are engaging in wider experiences outside of the classroom that will develop their skills to be successful in life |
Activity 2023-24
Learning and Teaching
Budgeted cost: £ 126,603
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Engagement Project |
The most common reason for exclusion is persistent disruptive behaviour. Pupil behaviour will have multiple influences, some of which teachers can directly manage though universal or classroom management approaches. Some pupils will require more specialist support to help manage their self-regulation or social and emotional skills (EEF, 2023) |
Mathematics Development |
The evidence shows that the quality of teaching makes a difference to student outcomes in Mathematics. The quality of teaching, or instructional guidance, is important to the efficacy of almost every strategy that we have examined. Across the strategies, approaches and interventions we have examined in this review, the role of the teacher consistently comes across as a crucial, and often mediating, factor in the success of any approach. The evidence shows that the quality of teaching makes a difference to student outcomes and that a crucial factor is teacher knowledge (Coe et al., 2014) (EEF, 2023) |
Targeted Interventions |
Although the main focus is on reading, comprehension strategies have been successfully used in a number of curriculum subjects where it is important to be able to read and understand text. Lower attaining pupils appear to benefit in particular from the explicit teaching of strategies to comprehend text. There are some indications that approaches involving digital technology can be successful in improving reading comprehension, particularly when they focus on the application and practice of specific strategies and the use of self-questioning skills (EEF, 2023) |
Community Schools
Budgeted cost: £ 18,000
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Equity Project |
Mentoring has increasingly been offered to young people who are deemed to be hard to reach or at risk of educational failure or exclusion. Some studies have found positive impacts for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, and for non-academic outcomes such as attitudes to school, attendance and behaviour. (EEF, 2023) |
Free Breakfast |
Researchers found that school children who eat breakfast 'regularly' perform better in exams, scoring on average two grades above their fellow students. Lead researcher Dr Katie Adolphus, of the University of Leeds, said: 'Our study suggests that secondary school students are at a disadvantage if they are not getting a morning meal to fuel their brains for the start of the school day. An estimated half a million children arriving at school each day too hungry to learn.' Dr Adolphus added: 'This research suggests that poor nutrition is associated with worse results at school.' (Frontiers in Psychology, 2019) |
Wider strategies
Budgeted cost: £ 45,159
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Wellbeing Project |
There is extensive evidence associating childhood social and emotional skills (SE) with improved outcomes at school and in later life, in relation to physical and mental health, school readiness and academic achievement, crime, employment and income. For example, longitudinal research in the UK has shown that good social and emotional skills - including self-regulation, self-awareness, and social skills, are predictors of a range of adult outcomes, such as life satisfaction and wellbeing, labour market success, and good overall health. Efforts to promote SE skills may be especially important for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, who on average have weaker SE skills at all ages than their better off peers. This matters for a range of outcomes, as lower levels of SEL skills are associated with poorer mental health and academic attainment. (EEF, 2020) |
Access to music project |
There is intrinsic value in teaching pupils creative and performance skills and ensuring disadvantaged pupils access a rich and stimulating arts education. Evidence suggests a causal link between arts education and the use of arts-based approaches with overall educational attainment. (EEF, 2023) |
Total budgeted cost: £189,762